bunt sign

Thursday, June 18, 2009

I’m pretty sure I sent out a notify to the list last night, but I never got my copy. I assume you all got yours (if and only if you subscribe, that is), because there were a lot of questions about my lack of an Internet connection during the day. This is a situation that’s gone on for the last few weeks, and it probably doesn’t have anything to do with turkeys or sunspots, although that’s as good an explanation as anything.

What I think is this: I’m at the end of the phone line, and I believe the line has degraded to the point where it no longer supports both DSL and the fax machine at the same time. The phone company gave me a splitter when I got DSL, and it worked for both devices for several years. Then it stopped, and I could only plug one thing into the phone line at a time.

When this started, I suggested to the Boss that we get another line installed, so that I’d have dedicated lines for both DSL and the fax (along with my third line for voice calling, which also has occasional interference). At that time he said we would do that (add another line) when the company had more cash in the bank, but that we couldn’t afford it just then.

Now that he’s having to wait for me to get on line after 6:00 pm before he can get his urgent questions answered, he’s come around. In fact, he offered to call the phone company for me, and I told him I’d be grateful if he would. Then a few days went by, and late last week he asked me if he was supposed to be calling the phone company for me. I said yes, he was, but not to bother. I told him I’d do it myself, because if they asked him any questions about the service, he wouldn’t know the answers. That’s because he has no clue about anything having to do with computers. Which is what makes me so essential to the company.

2 June 2009

Mushing clouds.

So here’s the deal: The phone company long ago expressed to me how uninterested they were in doing an upgrade way out here at the end of the line, until more customers further up the line complained. Meanwhile, I’ve been working dawn to dusk nonstop all week (or so I believe in the dark recesses of my own mind), so I haven’t had “time” to call the phone company to try to get them either to (a) change their mind, or (2) put in a new line.

What I really haven’t had is “courage.” I don’t make phone calls unless it’s urgent (and I guess, in the end, this sort of is), and when I do have to make a call, I have to work my way up to it. Maybe I’ll have “time” tomorrow. Or maybe Monday would be better. Yeah, that’s probably it. Monday would be better.

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