bunt sign

Saturday, April 8, 2006

You know my usual Saturday, doing a little work and a lot of slacking off? That didn’t happen today. I got taken out to both lunch and dinner (for my birthday), so not only did I not have time to work or slack off, but I also ate way more than I ordinarily would on a typical Saturday. It was all good, though.

I met Tammy and Suzanne and the babies for lunch this morning at Big Town Hero (sandwich shop, excellent food, great service, highly recommended). And yes, I said “morning,” as in before noon. But the company (not to mention the presents and the food) kept me in a good mood. Heck, if Kylie can be in a good mood for an hour, I guess I can.

Aiden sang me “Happy Birthday” and ate off my plate. He was a little too interested in playing with the door lock, so we had to watch carefully to make sure he didn’t slam his tiny fingers in the big heavy door. He made friends with the restaurant staff and all of the customers. Some fire fighters came in for lunch while we were there, and Aiden was fascinated by them (and vice versa, I might add).

So Aiden got to sit in the fire truck, and the fire fighters gave him a badge to stick on his shirt, and he was almost as excited as we were for him.

8 April 2006

Uncle Mike with Aiden and Kylie.

Then tonight John, Suzanne and Mom picked me up (I didn’t have to drive!) and we went to Star Restaurant (not Stars in San Francisco, but Star in Cotati), where Eric joined us. More good food, more presents, and a lot of laughter. This was a great birthday, not because I was the center of attention, but because for the most part I wasn’t. I was just there, in the midst of it all. That’s all I’ve ever really wanted.

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After a game that ended at midnight last night, the Giants gave some playing time to a few of their substitutes today, and they came through against the Braves for a 12-6 win. But it was all-star shortstop Omar Vizquel who was today’s hitting hero, with five RBIs. And Jamey Wright must be thrilled to have moved from Coors Field, a hitter’s paradise, to the pitcher-friendly confines of AT&T Park. He took a shutout into the sixth inning and pitched into the eighth, then watched as the bullpen held onto his first win as a Giant. Former Giant-killer Steve Finley, also in his first season with the team, tripled in his second straight game (pretty good for an old guy of 41), and Moises Alou hit the 299th home run of his career.

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For other journal recommendations, check out the links page.

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Three years ago: Best Defense
"Still, it was a little like having tiny, shiny UFOs peeking at me and then racing back to the mother ship."

Four years ago: Age Old
"For someone who was born during the Truman Administration, it takes more energy than it used to just to sit upright with my eyes open for a few hours at a time."

Five years ago: Menu Overload
"If there's the possibility of a brawl on the field, you couldn't pry me away with a 40-ounce corked bat."

Six years ago: I'm Slackman
"I'm a true blue, dyed-in-the-wool slacker. Someone else will have to dye the wool blue, though, because I'm not up for it."

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