bunt sign

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

When I make a promise, I try to remember to keep it, without people having to remind me. I’m not perfect, but I do my best. And I don’t think I should have to remind people of the promises they made to me. For months now, I’ve been hearing that Tim is going to come by and (a) haul away the massive old copier that’s taking up space in my living room, and (2) lay down some gravel in my muddy rutted driveway.

It’s been a couple of days since the last storm, but the rain at that time was enough to turn the driveway to sludge again, and every time I either walk through it or drive through it, I think about Tim’s promise. Sometimes I get so tweaked out by the thought that I stomp through the puddles with enough force to splash all the way over the fence. That doesn’t do any good, of course, but it’s somehow a helpful coping mechanism.

Tonight I had the perfect opportunity to bring it home, because Tim called me (after hours) to let me know that he’d made a mistake on the time cards for the payroll checks I’d spent all day writing. I told him to make the correction on next week’s time cards, because I wasn’t about to rewrite any checks at 7:30 pm. Then he asked me, “Is there anything you need from me?”

Well, of course, you’re going to say I should have reminded him of his promises, but I simply couldn’t bring myself to do it. I hesitated after he asked, thinking maybe I was giving him the opportunity to remember on his own. If he did, he wasn’t offering. In fact, he used the gap to tell me about how hard his days have been, and I took that as my cue to let it drop. I just gave him a low key “No, but thanks.”

25 February 2008

A door with no handle might need bricks to keep it closed.

Now when it comes to money, you probably do have to remind me. If I owe you money, or if you owe me money, I’m ever so likely to forget about it until someone else brings it up. So by all means, borrow money from me, if I have it, which I usually don’t. Most likely, I won’t think about asking for it back, and if I do think about it, I won’t ask anyway. And please don’t hesitate to lend me a few bucks if I ask, because I don’t mind being nudged about repaying you. In fact, if you tell me I owe you money, I’ll most likely just believe you and pay you back, whether I remember or not.

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One year ago: Daybreak
"Actually, something woke me up at 5:30 am, and it was the fax machine, but on my looniest day I’m not scrambling out of bed at 5:30 to see what somebody’s faxing me."

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