bunt sign

Friday, August 31, 2007

It used to be that I’d have downtime during the week. I know, I never mentioned it, but that was because I was afraid of the curse of making-something-good-go-away-by-naming-it. Alas, some other curse has befallen me, because the magical days of downtime have ended. Now one day’s work rolls over into the next, without a break, so that on Friday I’m still catching up with what I was supposed to do (or at least planned to do) Tuesday. Or Wednesday, anyway.

It’s not for lack of trying, or a failure of commitment. I worked until 10:00 pm twice this week, and I was still going at 8:00 last night, but only because the Boss phoned with a frantic question at 7:30. He gets frantic a lot these days, and now that he’s back at the Kennel, and out from under the roof of his ex-wife, he’s even needier. She was helpful, in that she diverted his attention and ran his errands. Now that happy interlude is over, and he has no one to whine to but me.

And as much as I don’t like him interfering with my life, I can’t seem to deflect it, especially when he thinks he’s being helpful. All I did was complain about the heat this week, and he asked for permission to talk to my landlord about putting in air conditioning. I tried to remind him that we have only about five days a year that it gets so hot I can’t function, but either that’s five days too many to suit him, or he just wants to make sure he maintains control over everything he can. It’s sort of an obsession with him, this control business.

Anyway, now I’m worried that my rent will go up again. The Boss isn’t expecting my landlord to contribute financially to the A/C installation, but I think he’s hoping that he will volunteer to do some of the work. Either way, the property will be worth more, and if the landlord thinks he can get more money by renting it to somebody else, won’t he want that higher amount from me? I kind of hope this whole thing falls through. I couldn’t tell the Boss no, though.

31 August 2007

Fence post in the shadows.

I shouldn’t have let him know that I’d be home all weekend, I suppose. But the main reason I’m working this weekend is to get things done without the phone (him, specifically) interrupting me. His needs are what has kept me from doing these tasks during the regular work week. There are certain things that are most easily done at the end of the month. They can be done at other times, but they would require two or three times as much work that way, so I choose to sacrifice (awwww) for the good of the company. (Actually, it’s for the good of my own peace of mind. I hate leaving things undone almost as much as I hate doing them when it takes two or three times as long.)

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"I’m going to act as if nothing was ever wrong, at least until it happens again (which it won’t, I’m sure, because I have faith)."

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